Summer League

Lane Tech Summer League consists of normally 6-10 games.

Games have traditionally been on Tuesdays / Thursdays, 1-2x / week.

No transportation to the games is provided and a permissions slip and valid physical are required to participate. Permission slips should be printed and then delivered in person to Coach Ricks before the first game.

Download Permission Slip Here

Unless otherwise specified:

  • Reserve games start at 5:30pm

  • Varsity games start at 7pm

Summer League Schedule

Registration Notes:

  • The summer league registration is full, however if you are still interested please sign up on the waitlist in the event that players who signed up cannot participate. 

  • The cost is $60.  It is first come first serve until we have 22 players on each team.  Priority is given to players who played on one of the four teams this past fall.  

  • The players from the Sophomore Green and Gold teams are eligible for the Reserve Team.  The players from the Varsity and JV teams are eligible for the Varsity team.  If a player signs up for the incorrect team, we will move them to the proper roster.  Students who were not on a team in the fall, will be moved to a waitlist in the order they registered.  

  • Coaches have the right to move players at their discretion.

  • Varsity

    Please sign-up here if you / your player was on the JV or Varsity team for the 2023 Fall season.

    Limited to 22 spots

    Normally at 7pm

    Registration Full

  • Reserves

    Please sign-up here if you / your player was on the green or gold team for the 2023 Fall season

    Limited to 22 spots

    Normally at 5:30pm

    Registration Full